National overlay grid can be done from the Reference System Properties dialog box. Learn more about Grid and Graticule layers However, they are not dynamic and will not update as you pan and zoom. Grid and Graticule layers support these complex grid and graticule scenarios. Place interior ladder labels for alternate intervals.

National Grid for rotated and nonrectangular areas of interest National Grid overlays within a single layout Display UTM labels when your area of interest crosses UTM zones.National Grid in a coordinate system other than UTM However, if you need to do one of the following, you will need to utilize a Grid and Graticule layer: If you need a dynamic grid that updates automatically as you pan and zoom, you can use the data frame grid properties with an MGRS or U.S. There are two methods for adding an MGRS or U.S. A fully qualified MGRS string is 15 characters long and consists of the following three components: grid zone designation, 100,000-meter square identifier, and easting/northing. An MGRS coordinate defines an area on the Earth's surface as opposed to a specific point. The Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) is a grid-based system used to represent locations on the universal transverse Mercator (UTM) and universal polar stereographic (UPS) grid systems, expressed as an alphanumeric string.