Start grey-boxing with ProBuilder, then export your GameObjects to FBX until you can replace them with the final Assets.įBX Recorder: Export animations through the Unity Recorder (including Cinemachine camera animations). Record gameplay and export it to make cinematics.

The FBX Exporter package includes the following features:įBX Exporter: Export geometry, animation, Lights, and Cameras as FBX files so you can transfer game data to any 3D modeling software.

Use this workflow to send geometry, Lights, Cameras, and animation from Unity to Autodesk® Maya®, Autodesk® Maya LT™, or Autodesk® 3ds Max®, and back again, with minimal effort. If this happens, delete all the materials and reimport the FBX file using Project-Wide for material search.The FBX Exporter package provides round-trip workflows between Unity and 3D modeling software. NOTE: Sometimes the fbx file imports the materials as recursive instead of project wide for GameObject only export. Remember rotations in children still don't work. Success! You now have a brand new FBX file with everything parented correctly.Usually the materials will align, but if you have a FBX in the root area it may create new materials instead of finding the old ones.Copying and reimporting the textures takes Unity's brainpower. If you've selected new textures, wait a bit longer."With new Materials and Textures" does 2b plus copying textures to a new folder."With new Materials" will export a new FBX and create new materials with the GameObject name + _ + material name."Only GameObject" will export a new FBX but not create any new materials or textures and use the original as reference.Go to Assets menu -> FBX Exporter -> and you have three options (described below).You shouldn't have any problems, and if you do, please add an issue to the Github project

TutorialIt is very simple to use this exporter. To continue using the model in blender and stuff. Many people ask us how to make fbx from a prefab.